About us

We’re a small group of people who are passionate about the healing potential of psychedelics. Over the years, we’ve been deeply moved by the stories we’ve heard in sharing circles, so we decided to create a space where all of our lessons and insights could live on. 

As the idea for The After Circle evolved, we realised it’s not just about gathering wisdom from psychedelic experiences. Integration is where some of the biggest lessons are learned, and we need supportive tools in this process. Writing, it turns out, is one of the best, and can be a continuing source of revelations.

So this is why we’re here. This is a place to write, share, heal and grow together. All voices are welcome – beginners, experts, writers, non-writers, artists, scientists, therapists, medicine people, and more. By bringing our journeys to life through stories and art, we want to bring the community together and make it possible to learn from each other. 

The intention isn't to preach, teach or provide answers for others. It's to reflect on what you’ve experienced, with honest, soul-revealing words, and humbly offer up your lessons and insights so they can be of benefit to others. Share your personal revelations as well as the difficulties; your life-changing transformations and the ongoing challenges.

We’re not advocating the use of psychedelics – we’re simply encouraging people to write about their experiences as a tool for deeper self-awareness. Over time, we hope to gain a clearer understanding of these sacred medicines, so we can minimise harm and maximise the therapeutic benefits for everyone.

Thank you for being part of the journey.

The After Circle team

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Write with Leona
Our co-founder Leona Ford is a professional writer and journaling facilitator, with over 20 years’ experience in the creative industry. She was introduced to writing as a tool for healing through her own medicine journey, and she’s now passionate about sharing this practice with others. You can book a free 1:1 session with Leona, or join our online writing circle.
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Our mission
We want to gather stories from all around the world, so that we can learn from each other. We’re breaking down barriers, destigmatising psychedelics and connecting the community. Our mission is to build a trusted resource and integration support for anyone exploring the world of psychedelic medicine for therapeutic purposes.
Our vision
In a world where everything seems unfixable, we want to create space for hope. By sharing our process of personal transformation, we hope to inspire more change in the world – more healing, courage, compassion, patience, love, gratitude and respect for our fellow human beings. Our vision is healing people to heal the planet.
“Well-crafted writing can be a bridge to newly discovered truths about the self.”
Kathleen Adams
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